“IMALI Agribusiness Challenge”: Unveiling the Overlooked Riches of Agriculture

In the swiftly changing landscape of economic growth and sustainability, there’s a hidden gem waiting to be recognised for its vitality: agriculture. Often seen as a sector confined to rural landscapes and outdated practices, agriculture is actually a treasure trove of opportunities, just waiting for young people to dive in and discover its potential.

In today’s fast-paced world, characterized by the rapid advancements of the digital era and technology, you might question where agriculture really fits in. However, in a time when concerns regarding food security and environmental sustainability are increasingly prominent, agriculture emerges as a crucial and enduring solution. It transcends the mere act of cultivating crops; it entails innovation, entrepreneurship, and the ability to enact tangible change on a global scale.

Agriculture isn’t just some old-school gig; it’s the future! Imagine this: with the world population projected to soar past 9 billion by 2050, the demand for food is going to shoot through the roof, not just in our backyards but all across the globe. And you know what? That means major opportunities for agripreneurs. We are talking about a sector that is ripe for growth, bursting with chances to innovate and shake things up!

The benefits of delving into agriculture extend far beyond sustainability; it’s also a money-making endeavor. In Rwanda, agriculture plays a vital role in the country’s economy, providing employment for a considerable portion of the population and making a significant contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Recent statistics reveal that agriculture constitutes around 31% of Rwanda’s GDP and employs over 70% of the workforce.

Among a plethora of diverse opportunities for youth, there is the Imali Agribusiness Challenge by the Imbuto Foundation. This program is dedicated to empowering young entrepreneurs in agriculture, directly addressing youth unemployment and food security with comprehensive support including training, mentorship, and financial support.

The challenge invites Rwandan youth aged 18-35 to present their innovative agribusiness projects for a nationwide competition. Successful projects are evaluated on their uniqueness, innovation, feasibility, and scalability, among other criteria; and are required to respond to key innovative agriculture-related aspects such as nutrition-sensitive agriculture, high-value crops, post-harvest processing, value addition, climate-resilient agriculture, urban agriculture, and the use of technology.

Learn more: Imali Agribusiness Challenge

Thanks to the partnership between Imbuto Foundation, the Ministry of Agriculture, FAO Rwanda, and Friends of Imbuto; 15 innovative projects were awarded in 2023, each receiving Rwf 10 million. Successful candidates also got access to mentorship and learning opportunities through boot camps and continuous empowerment, encompassing technical skills, project design and management, access to finance, and other management aspects, among other topics. This further helps in developing their projects and ensuring sustainability.

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